
KOMIPO Seoul Power Generation Facilities

B2, 10FL

The plan was developed with the concept titled ‘Green CANOPY – Culture Fusion Power Generation Embracing Han River and Its Citizens'. The design has an image of a large tree. The existing power plant is an old tree, the 90-year-old guardian of Seoul and Han River. It will be reborn as a relic of modern industry to create culture and Office of Seoul Combined-cycle Thermal Power Plant to be built on the site anew will be an Energy Tree symbolizing development of the middle part of the country, becoming a local landmark to grow branches of development and harvesting fruits for the public.

Power generation control facility, public facility and business facility were aligned in accordance with the conditions where more power plants are located underground and parks and developed. The movement routes and lines were planned in reflection of conveniences of operators and visitors. Especially, public facility elements are connected to the external park along with Exhibition Room, History Room and Book Cafe. The facility is open-type, enabling you to view Han River. Three-dimensional connections and movement lines and routes enable employees and visitors to communicate and share.