
Gwanggyo L'FORT I-PARK


Location conditions of "Nobel Town Plan, Mecca of Junior Education" based on the site conditions, market situation and the business ability of the owner of construction. The site is located in CBD (Central Business District) lying next to the business facilities, such as Administrative town, Convention center and Business park south and north, and the residential facilities, such as Edu-town and Central town, and the elimentary and middle schools east and west. Also, the public pedestrian passage goes through the site from CBD to Wonchun lake and the site contains some 3,500㎡ of open area.
Construction Plan - Officetel. Officetel market in Gwanggyo is mainly for small officetel due to overheated profitable real estate and the supply of 20 pyung apartment has been in short for the next apartment complex because of the excesive supply of large ones. Therefore, the focus was placed on scuring the competitiveness through diversification and gentrification of the products by penetrating in the niche market. -Reserving most of view premium to Wonchun lake -Diversification of unit products, such as small, medium and business officetel -Securing most sole usage ratio through 1MASS plan -Maximizing parking efficiency by conforming unit module to underground parking lot modue -Minimizing interference between units (securing separation distance 1H and responding side wall to next block) -Planning exterior space and accompanied facilities of 760 byong size for the residents. Commercial facility planning. The possible size of shopping area of 5,000 pyong would be uncompetitive, as concluded, because there were many competitors, such as department store, large scale shopping mall and marts within 2km radius from the site. Thus the market positioning was established to respond to the large surrounding commercial facilities and proposed the education centered and life-sticked specialty theme shopping area in size of 5,000 pyong to reserve market competitiveness. -Securing flexibility of MD by shopping module system and improving profitability by extendng the importance of 1st floor road shops -Realizing Easy Access system through Big Stairs plan continuing from the main entrance sunken -Planning to transform the sunken plaza in open area to an event space (pond, ice link) for being an attraction and encouraging to induce visitors.